Toyota Avalon (XX50) 2019-2022 Service & Repair Manual: Terminals Of Ecu



Check from the rear of the connector while it is connected to the components.


Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

G14-1 (FR+) - G3-1 (GND1)

LA-LG - BR*1

W - BR*2

Sound signal (Front right)*1

Sound signal (Right)*2

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G14-2 (FL+) - G3-1 (GND1)

LA-B - BR*1

B - BR*2

Sound signal (Front left)*1

Sound signal (Left)*2

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G14-3 (RL+) - G3-1 (GND1)

LA-G - BR*1

Y - BR*2

Sound signal (Rear left)*1

Voice signal*2

Audio system playing*1

Voice guidance sounding*2

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output*1

A waveform synchronized with voice signals is output*2

G14-4 (RR+) - G3-1 (GND1)*1


Sound signal (Rear right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G14-6 (FR-) - G3-1 (GND1)

LA-L - BR*1

R - BR*2

Sound signal (Front right)*1

Sound signal (Right)*2

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G14-7 (FL-) - G3-1 (GND1)

LA-R - BR*1

G - BR*2

Sound signal (Front left)*1

Sound signal (Left)*2

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G14-8 (RL-) - G3-1 (GND1)

LA-GR - BR*1

BR - BR*2

Sound signal (Rear left)*1

Voice signal*2

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G14-9 (RR-) - G3-1 (GND1)*1


Sound signal (Rear right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G3-1 (GND1) - Body ground

BR - Body ground



Below 1 V

G3-4 (+B1) - G3-1 (GND1)

R - BR

Power source (+B)

Power switch off

11 to 14 V

G3-5 (TX1+)*2


AVC-LAN communication signal



G3-6 (TX1-)*2


AVC-LAN communication signal



G3-10 (AGND) - Body ground

Shield - Body ground

Shield ground


Below 1 V

G3-11 (VAL+) - G3-13 (VA-)

B - R

Sound signal (Left)

External device playing (When stereo jack used)

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G3-12 (VAR+) - G3-13 (VA-)

W - R

Sound signal (Right)

External device playing (When stereo jack used)

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G3-13 (VA-) - G3-1 (GND1)

R - BR



Below 1 V

G3-14 (ADPG) - G3-1 (GND1)

L - BR

External device connection detection signal

External device connected

Below 1 V

External device not connected

2.1 to 3 V

G3-15 (ACC1) - G3-1 (GND1)


Power source (ACC)

Power switch off

Below 1 V

Power switch on (ACC)

11 to 14 V

G3-21 (SW1) - G3-24 (SWG)

W - L

Steering pad switch signal

No switch pushed

2.97 to 3.56 V

Seek+ switch pushed

0.27 to 0.35 V

Seek- switch pushed

0.86 to 1.03 V

Volume+ switch pushed

1.51 to 1.79 V

Volume- switch pushed

2.22 to 2.66 V

G3-22 (SW2) - G3-24 (SWG)

LG - L

Steering pad switch signal

No switch pushed

2.97 to 3.56 V

MODE switch pushed

0.27 to 0.35 V

On/off hook switch pushed

1.51 to 1.79 V

Voice switch pushed

2.22 to 2.66 V

G3-24 (SWG) - G3-1 (GND1)

L - BR

Steering pad switch ground


Below 1 V

G3-25 (MUT1) - G3-1 (GND1)*2


Mute signal

Audio system playing

2.0 V or higher

Audio system changing modes

Below 1 V

G3-27 (SPD) - G3-1 (GND1)


Vehicle speed signal

See "Check Vehicle Signal" in Operation Check

Click here


G3-28 (REV) - G3-1 (GND1)

W - BR

Reverse signal

See "Check Vehicle Signal" in Operation Check

Click here


G2-3 (TMUT) - G3-1 (GND1)*1


Mute signal

Audio system playing

Above 2.0 V

Emergency call mode

Below 1 V

G2-5 (CNH1)


Local bus communication signal



G2-6 (CNL1)


Local bus communication signal



G2-13 (CANH)


CAN communication signal



G2-14 (CANL)


CAN communication signal



G2-15 (ILL+) - G3-1 (GND1)

G - BR

Illumination signal

Light control switch off

Below 1 V

Light control switch in tail or head position

11 to 14 V

G2-16 (ILL-) - G3-1 (GND1)


Illumination signal

Light control switch off

Below 1 V

Light control switch in tail or head position

Pulse generation

G2-19 (IG) - G3-1 (GND1)

W - BR

Power source (IG)

Power switch off

Below 1 V

Power switch on (IG)

11 to 14 V

G2-20 (PKB) - G3-1 (GND1)

B - BR

Parking brake signal

See "Check Vehicle Signal" in Operation Check

Click here


G2-21 (MIN+) - G3-1 (GND1)


Microphone voice signal

See "Check Microphone" in Operation Check

Click here


G2-22 (MIN-) - G3-1 (GND1)

V - BR

Microphone voice signal

See "Check Microphone" in Operation Check

Click here


G2-24 (SGND) - Body ground

Shield - Body ground

Shield ground


Below 1 V

G2-25 (SNS2) - G3-1 (GND1)


Microphone connection detection signal


Below 1 V

G106-1 (USV1)


Power source



G106-2 (US1-)


Data signal



G106-3 (US1+)


Data signal



G106-4 (UGD1)





G106-5 (USG1)


Shield ground



G108-1 (USB+)


Data signal



G108-2 (USB-)


Data signal



G108-3 (USBS)





G1-10 (USBV) - G1-11 (USBG)

L - GR

DCM (telephone microphone assembly) power supply

Power switch off

Below 1 V

Power switch on (ACC)

4.75 to 5.25 V

G1-11 (USBG) - Body ground





RA-5 (ANT+) - G3-1 (GND1)

- - BR

Power source of antenna

Power switch on (ACC)

Radio switch on and FM or AM selected

11 to 14 V

  • *1: for 8 Speakers
  • *2: for 14 Speakers


Terminal No. (Symbol)

Wiring Color

Terminal Description


Specified Condition

G10-1 (+B) - G10-3 (GND)

L - W-B

Power source (+B)

Power switch off

11 to 14 V

G10-3 (GND) - Body ground

W-B - Body ground



Below 1 V

G10-5 (WF2+) - G10-3 (GND)

W - W-B

Sound signal (Woofer)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-6 (WF1+) - G10-3 (GND)

BE - W-B

Sound signal (Woofer)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-7 (CTR+) - G10-3 (GND)

SB - W-B

Sound signal (Center)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-8 (TWL+) - G10-3 (GND)

B - W-B

Sound signal (Front Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-9 (TWR+) - G10-3 (GND)

BE - W-B

Sound signal (Front Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-10 (SL+) - G10-3 (GND)

SB - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-11 (SR+) - G10-3 (GND)

B - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-12 (FL+) - G10-3 (GND)

LG - W-B

Sound signal (Front Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-13 (FR+) - G10-3 (GND)

W - W-B

Sound signal (Front Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-14 (RL+) - G10-3 (GND)

B - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-15 (RR+) - G10-3 (GND)

R - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-16 (+B2) - G10-3 (GND)

B - W-B

Power source (+B)

Power switch off

11 to 14 V

G10-18 (GND2) - Body ground

W-B - Body ground



Below 1 V

G10-20 (WF2-) - G10-3 (GND)

R - W-B

Sound signal (Woofer)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-21 (WF1-) - G10-3 (GND)

L - W-B

Sound signal (Woofer)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-22 (CTR-) - G10-3 (GND)

W - W-B

Sound signal (Center)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-23 (TWL-) - G10-3 (GND)

GR - W-B

Sound signal (Front Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-24 (TWR-) - G10-3 (GND)

L - W-B

Sound signal (Front Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-25 (SL-) - G10-3 (GND)

P - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-26 (SR-) - G10-3 (GND)

Y - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-27 (FL-) - G10-3 (GND)

W - W-B

Sound signal (Front Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-28 (FR-) - G10-3 (GND)

B - W-B

Sound signal (Front Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-29 (RL-) - G10-3 (GND)

LG - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G10-30 (RR-) - G10-3 (GND)

W - W-B

Sound signal (Rear Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G8-1 (MUTE) - G10-3 (GND)

BE - W-B

Mute signal

Power switch on (ACC)

Audio system playing

2.0 V or higher

Audio system changing modes

Below 1 V

G8-2 (L-) - G10-3 (GND)

G - W-B

Sound signal (Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G8-3 (L+) - G10-3 (GND)

B - W-B

Sound signal (Left)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G8-4 (R-) - G10-3 (GND)

R - W-B

Sound signal (Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G8-5 (R+) - G10-3 (GND)

W - W-B

Sound signal (Right)

Audio system playing

A waveform synchronized with sound signals is output

G8-6 (SLD) - Body ground

Shield - Body ground

Shield ground


Below 1 V

G8-7 (TX-)


AVC-LAN communication signal



G8-8 (TX+)


AVC-LAN communication signal



G8-11 (SPD) - G10-3 (GND)

G - W-B

Vehicle speed signal

Power switch on (IG)

Wheel being rotated

Pulse generation

G8-12 (ACC) - G10-3 (GND)

P - W-B

Power source (ACC)

Power switch off

Below 1 V

Power switch on (ACC)

11 to 14 V

G8-14 (II1-) - G10-3 (GND)

BR - W-B

Voice signal

Voice guidance sounding

A waveform synchronized with voice signals is output

G8-15 (II1+) - G10-3 (GND)

Y - W-B

Voice signal

Voice guidance sounding

A waveform synchronized with voice signals is output

G8-18 (SLD1) - Body ground

Shield - Body ground

Shield ground


Below 1 V

G8-24 (TMUT) - Body ground

BE - Body ground

Mute signal

Power switch on (ACC)

Audio system playing

2.0 V or higher

Emergency call mode

Below 1 V


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    System Diagram

    Touch Panel Switch does not Function

    See More:

    Toyota Avalon (XX50) 2019-2022 Service & Repair Manual > Smart Key System(for Start Function, Gasoline Model): Brake Signal Malfunction (B2284)
    DESCRIPTION This DTC is stored when the brake signal sent via direct line and the brake signal sent via CAN communication do not match. DTC No. Detection Item DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area Note B2284 Brake Signal Malfunction The brake signal sent via direct line and the brake signal sent via ...

    Toyota Avalon (XX50) 2019-2022 Owners Manual

    Toyota Avalon (XX50) 2019-2022 Service & Repair Manual

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