UTILITY MIRROR POSITION INITIALIZATION HINT: Use this procedure to return the display of the headup display to its initial position. (a) Connect the Techstream to the DLC3. (b) Turn the power switch on (IG). (c) Turn the Techstream on. (d) Enter the following menus: Body Electrical / Head Up Display / Utility / Mirror Position Reset. (e) Perform the procedure displayed on the Techstream. Body Electrical > Head Up Display > Utility
Toyota Avalon (XX50) 2019-2022 Service & Repair Manual > 2gr-fks Cooling: Cooling System
On-vehicle InspectionON-VEHICLE INSPECTION CAUTION / NOTICE / HINT CAUTION: Do not remove the radiator cap sub-assembly while the engine and radiator assembly are still hot. Pressurized, hot engine coolant and steam may be released and cause serious burns. PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT FOR COOLANT LEAK CAUT ...