(a) Check if there is any foreign matter caught between the display and exterior frame of the multi-display. OK: No foreign matter is caught between the display and exterior frame of the multi-display. HINT:
(a) Check for foreign matter on the display. OK: The display is clean.
(b) Touch the display in the area where the switch malfunction occurs. OK: A "+" mark appears at the touched position.
Toyota Avalon (XX50) 2019-2022 Service & Repair Manual > Maintenance: Battery Cooling Filter
ComponentsCOMPONENTS ILLUSTRATION *1 NO. 1 HV BATTERY INTAKE FILTER *2 BATTERY SERVICE HOLE COVER InspectionINSPECTION PROCEDURE 1. INSPECT NO. 1 HV BATTERY INTAKE FILTER HINT: If the vehicle is used in an area with heavy traffic or excessive dust, or if the rear seat is used frequently, the No. 1 ...